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What is it really like to be a minority researcher?

Writer's picture: CORe Team CORe Team

As part of a programme of initiatives to increase diversity, inclusion and equality (DI&E) in the market research sector, the MRS has published a report based on a survey of more than 400 people who work in the industry.

The findings demonstrate that although most researchers believe that they are recognised for the quality of their work, and feel that their unique characteristics and background are valued, discrimination and inappropriate behaviour at work are still commonplace. If you’ve not personally experienced discrimination, you may not be aware that it exists. Even if you are, it can be hard to imagine how it might feel, or to recognise when it is happening to others or when you yourself are acting according to a bias, whether conscious or unconscious.

Below is a fictional diary of a researcher who is a member of a number of minoritised groups - to help us understand the issues from her perspective.

All of the scenarios in this ‘day in the life’ have been inspired by the responses to the MRS survey.

7:30am: Appointment with my GP. I’ve a physical condition and some ongoing health issues that need regular check-ups but I’ve had to wait weeks to get an early morning appointment so I don’t miss any work, as my company isn’t supportive about taking time off for appointments.

8:00: Time to drop off my son at nursery. It’s a long day for him, but as I only work three days, I start early. I’m trying to get a balance between work and childcare but I often feel like I am missing out both in the office and at home. A male colleague who started at the same time as me has now built up much more experience which has enabled him to progress further than me. I know I didn’t get a promotion because it depended on working long hours – and I couldn’t commit to that. Before I had my son, one of my colleagues told me that there is a general belief within the organisation that women don’t work as hard once they are mothers. My priority is my family, but it’s like I only have half a career. I feel like I go unnoticed at work.

Before I had my son, one of my colleagues told me that there is a general belief within the organisation that women don’t work as hard once they are mothers.

9:00: Call with some clients. There are a couple of people on the call with non-British backgrounds and accents, so you have to make an effort to listen carefully. Afterwards one of my colleagues makes a negative comment, but only about the person from Africa, not about the Spanish person who also has a pronounced accent.

10:00: Meeting with clients. I’m the only woman in the room; the others are white, older men. I’m from a minority ethnic background and I sometimes find that when I am in a meeting with white men, they talk over me and don’t listen to my ideas. One of my colleagues introduces everyone in the meeting but he mispronounces my name, which makes me feel awkward. Then one of the clients tells a joke that makes me uncomfortable, as it borders on racist. Do I bring it up? Or just let it go?

Last time I called out a racist comment, I was told that I was mistaken. The company has a diversity policy so some people believe that this means that there is no racism. We are discussing global work and when we get to the findings from India my manager asks me to present as I am “the expert.” Trouble is, my background is nothing to do with India and I’m no more of an expert than he is. He made an assumption because of the colour of my skin and my name.

11:00: The meeting is running over. My manager knows I have an online therapy appointment to help with stress and anxiety but I still feel uncomfortable having to leave the meeting, as taking time off for therapy is looked down on. Ever since I disclosed my mental health issues, I have been treated differently by colleagues. Research can be a stressful career; the stakes are high for clients, there are always deadlines to meet, and we have financial targets to achieve. When you suffer from anxiety this can sometimes be too much.

Ever since I disclosed my mental health issues, I have been treated differently by colleagues.

12:00: Another client meeting, this time with a new client. I attend with my younger colleague who happens to be white and male, and who reports to me. The client assumes he is my boss. Perhaps it is because I look young for my age. Colleagues often underestimate me and assume I am more junior which is frustrating. I am regularly given work that is below my level of experience and ability and I worry that it is preventing me from advancing my career. People in this company sometimes refer to younger employees – especially the new graduates - as ‘children’ or ‘minions’. I talked to an older colleague about it, and she told me that she experiences ageism too, saying “As you get older, you become invisible in this company.”

13:00: Go to lunch with colleagues. They are all laughing about some TV shows that they grew up with but I don’t know them as I wasn’t born in this country. I feel a bit left out. Then the conversation turns to the conference that is coming up next week. I should be going but I don’t have anyone to look after my child if I go away overnight. I had to make an excuse because everyone is expected to go.

14:00: Planning the annual performance reviews for my team. I’ve discussed what to say with my manager, but unfortunately we don’t always agree. This time we are clashing on how to review a member of my team who is on the autistic spectrum. Typically, performance reviews pick up on weaknesses and the only way to progress is by improving those weaknesses. However this doesn’t make sense for this individual who has fantastic creative research and analysis skills, but struggles with some aspects of team management. One size definitely does not fit all.

15:00: Going through CVs and LinkedIn profiles for a new exec role. Graduates from the top universities are preferred; this contributes to a lack of social diversity in this company. Having said that, I also have a colleague who is mocked for being ‘too posh.’ As we are looking through the profiles, my manager makes a joke about one of the applicants “looking gay.” I despair.

16:00: It’s my contractual time to leave as I have to get to the nursery on time for pick-up. Walk past my manager’s desk, as always at this time. He makes a point of checking his watch. As always.

18:30: At home, clearing up after dinner. People from my office are out together in a bar - they’ve put the pictures on Facebook. It’s so hard to build good relationships at work because I can’t often go out to socialise with them. The last time there was an organised team event it was a hike, which I am not physically able to do. I also don’t drink alcohol, which can make it hard to fit in too.

It’s so hard to build good relationships at work because I can’t often go out to socialise with them.

It’s so hard to build good relationships at work because I can’t often go out to socialise with them.

10:00: Finally a chance to relax and reflect on the day. So many micro-aggressions, so many challenges that are baked in to the structure of working life. It’s difficult to explain to people who aren’t in the same protected group about experiencing discrimination when it isn’t directly or obviously abusive. I also doubt myself. How many of the things that happened today are actually due to structural prejudice as opposed to ignorant or thoughtless individuals, bad managers or personal clashes? Part of the struggle is not knowing and being on my guard at all times. It’s exhausting. I’m seriously thinking of leaving and setting up on my own.

What can you do to improve diversity, inclusion and equality?

How did you feel reading about this challenging and tiring working day? Of course, our researcher is fictional – hopefully nobody would encounter so much discrimination in one day – but these types of incident are very real.

All of the scenarios in this ‘day in the life’ have been inspired by the responses to the MRS survey; your friends, colleagues, clients and suppliers are facing these types of prejudice and insensitivity every day. Perhaps you are yourself, whatever your socio-demographic profile. But there is good news too.

One of the more positive findings of the report is that there is widespread recognition of issues of diversity, inclusion and equality, and a desire to drive change – but it will take all of us working together to make sure that positive change happens. Here are seven actions you can take to make the world a better place:

  1. Read the report and act on the recommendations.

  2. Watch our CEO Pledge Panel, some of the sectors leading agencies discuss their efforts to impact diversity and inclusion within their organisations.

  3. Take part in future DI&E surveys so your voice can be heard.

  4. Find out about your organisation’s position on DI&E: Is there a written policy? When was it written? How often is it reviewed? Were people from protected groups involved in creating the policy? And how is progress measured? Be prepared to challenge your organisation.

  5. Be an ally to people in protected groups, call out inappropriate behaviour and follow up to ensure action is taken.

  6. Be curious – educate yourself about different cultures and experiences as well as issues of diversity, privilege and discrimination – see our suggestions below.

  7. Share your stories of change with friends and colleagues. Positive examples of how individuals and organisations can improve DI&E can embolden others to act.




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