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Justice in June

This resource was compiled by Autumn Gupta with Bryanna Wallace’s oversight for the purpose of providing a starting place for individuals trying to become better allies.

Note: Though the training course is titled "Justice in June" you can use this for any month.

Choose how much time you have each day to become more informed as step one to becoming an active ally to the black community. On this document are links to the learning resources and a schedule of what to do each day. Click on the following to jump directly to that info:

Additional Resources:

Important Note: This should just be the beginning. Please do not stop learning after you complete this month. Each section (10/25/45 minutes) has somewhat different material and the links under “Additional Resources” also include new content, so go above and beyond to educate yourself.

Want to increase your impact? Find a friend, create a group, and share this content with others.

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**If you have additional resource recommendations or see any errors in the links listed, please send them to

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10 Minutes/Day

Over the course of the month, you will have spent 5 hours intentionally learning how to be an active ally of the black community. (That’s less than the amount of time it takes to watch all of Tiger King ~ 5.5 hours.) Remember, the black community lives the reality of the information you will learn- they have a lifetime of fearing for their well being versus 5 hours of you being uncomfortable. All the action items listed in the calendar have linked information below the weekly schedule (see sections Watch, Read, Listen, and Act).


On the 4th - Listen to “Your Body Being Used” podcast

On the 5th - Help reallocate city budgets by defunding the police Automatic Email Template Link On the 6th & 7th - Watch “How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion” TED Talk

On the 8th & 9th & 10th - Explore and read the articles that are part of The 1619 Project from the New York Times

On the 12th - Register to vote! If you are serious about real change, your individual vote does matter. Use this link to register to vote, check your registration, vote by mail, get election reminders, etc.

On the 13th & 14th - Watch “Let’s Get to the Root of Racial Injustice” TED Talk On the 15th - Read “The Intersectionality Wars”

On the 19th - Write/call local gov rep & police chief advocating for police de-escalation training. The racial make-up of your town doesn’t matter — This needs to be standard everywhere.

On the 29th & 30th - Buy books, materials, supplies for educator friends featuring POC (see below links)


Week 1

Act - Help reallocate city budgets by defunding the police. The following link leads to which generates an email template pre-populated with elected officials emails. Simply fill in some of your information and the body of the message (advocating for defunding the police in that city) is automatically filled in for you. Automatic Email Template Link

Week 2

Read - The 1619 Project from the New York Times

Act - Register to vote! If you are serious about real change, your individual vote does matter. Use this link to register to vote, check your registration, vote by mail, get election reminders, pledge to register if you are <18, find the nearest polling place, and fill out your 2020 census form. Take today’s action a step further by sharing this link with friends and planning time into your schedule to vote in the closest upcoming election - city, state, or national. (Thanks to Pamela Duncan for this suggestion!)

Week 3

Act - Google whether your city or town currently employs evidence-based police de-escalation training. Write to your city or town government representative and police chief and advocate for it. The racial make-up of your town doesn’t matter — This needs to be standard everywhere.

Week 4

Read - “The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates and “Tips for Creating Effective White Caucus Groups” developed by Craig Elliott

Week 5

Act - If you or a friend is an educator, buy said friend books that feature POC as protagonists and heroes, no matter the racial make-up of the class. A few good lists are here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. And/or purchase educational toys that feature POC, such as finger puppets, Black History Flashcards, etc for their classroom. Use these items year-round, not just in February.

All the links:



The 1619 Project from the New York Times

“The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates


“Your Body Being Used” CodeSwitch Podcast from NPR ~ 6 min


Help reallocate city budgets by defunding the police. The following link leads to which generates an email template pre-populated with elected officials emails. Simply fill in some of your information and the body of the message (advocating for defunding the police in that city) is automatically filled in for you. Automatic Email Template Link

Register to vote! If you are serious about real change, your individual vote does matter. Use this link to register to vote, check your registration, vote by mail, get election reminders, pledge to register if you are <18, find the nearest polling place, and fill out your 2020 census form. Take today’s action a step further by sharing this link with friends and planning time into your schedule to vote in the closest upcoming election - city, state, or national. (Thanks to Pamela Duncan for this suggestion!)

Google whether your city or town currently employs evidence-based police de-escalation training. The racial make-up of your town doesn’t matter — This needs to be standard everywhere. Write to your city or town government representative and police chief and advocate for it. Multiply your voice by soliciting others to advocate as well, writing on social media about it, writing op-eds, etc.

If you or a friend is an educator, buy said friend books that feature POC as protagonists and heroes, no matter the racial make-up of the class. A few good lists are here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. And/or purchase educational toys that feature POC, such as finger puppets, Black History Flashcards, etc for their classroom. Use these items year-round, not just in February. The racial make-up of students doesn’t matter — kids of every race need to know American history and be exposed to people from different races, religions, and countries. If the friend is interested, buy them for your pal’s classroom. Don’t be shy to ask Facebook friends that you haven’t actually talked to in ten years.

25 Minutes/Day

Over the course of the month, you will have spent 12.5 hours intentionally learning how to be an active ally of the black community. (That’s less than the amount of time it takes to watch Season 24 of the Bachelor in 2020 ~ 18 hours.) Remember, the black community lives the reality of the information you will learn- they have a lifetime of fearing for their well being versus you being uncomfortable for half a day. All the action items listed in the calendar have linked information below the weekly schedule (see sections Watch, Read, Listen, and Act).


On the 1st - Read pg. 1-9 in “White Fragility” On the 2nd - Read pg. 10-19 in “White Fragility”3rd Read pg. 20-29 in “White Fragility”4th Read pg. 30-39 in “White Fragility”5th Listen to podcast: A Decade of Watching Black People Die

On the 6th & 7th - Watch first half of 13th (Ava DuVerny) AND help reallocate city budgets by defunding the police Automatic Email Template Link On the 8th - Read pg. 40-49 in “White Fragility”

On the 9th - Read pg. 50-59 in “White Fragility”

On the 10th - Read pg. 60-69 in “White Fragility”

On the 11th - Read pg. 70-79 in “White Fragility”

On the 12th - Listen to podcast: Anger: The Black Woman’s “Superpower”

On the 13th & 14th - Watch second half of 13th (Ava DuVerny) AND Register to vote! If you are serious about real change, your individual vote does matter. Use this link to register to vote, check your registration, vote by mail, get election reminders, etc.

On the 15th - Read pg. 80-89 in “White Fragility”

On the 16th - Read pg. 90-99 in “White Fragility”

On the 17th - Read pg. 100-109 in “White Fragility”

On the 18th - Read pg. 110-119 in “White Fragility”

On the 19th - Listen to podcast: “The Limits of Empathy”

On the 20th & 21st - Watch first half of King in the Wilderness (Peter Kunhardt) AND write/call local gov rep & police chief advocating for police de-escalation training. The racial make-up of your town doesn’t matter — This needs to be standard everywhere.

On the 22nd - Read pg. 120-129 in “White Fragility”

On the 23rd - Read pg. 130-139 in “White Fragility”

On the 24th - Read pg. 140-149 in “White Fragility”

On the 25th - Read pg. 150-end in “White Fragility”

On the 27th & 28th - Watch second half of King in the Wilderness (Peter Kunhardt) AND Donate to anti-white supremacy work (see below links)

On the 30th - Buy books, materials, supplies for educator friends featuring POC (see below links)


Week 1

Watch - 13th (Ava DuVerny) 13th Documentary (Full Length) YouTube Available with Netflix subscription

Read - Pg. 1-39 in “White Fragility”

Listen - A Decade of Watching Black People Die: CodeSwitch Podcast from NPR

Act - Help reallocate city budgets by defunding the police. The following link leads to which generates an email template pre-populated with elected officials emails. Simply fill in some of your information and the body of the message (advocating for defunding the police in that city) is automatically filled in for you. Automatic Email Template Link

Week 2

Watch - 13th (Ava DuVerny) 13th Documentary (Full Length) YouTube Available with Netflix subscription

Read - Pg. 40-79 in “White Fragility”

Listen - Anger: The Black Woman’s “Superpower” CodeSwitch Podcast from NPR

Act - Register to vote! If you are serious about real change, your individual vote does matter. Use this link to register to vote, check your registration, vote by mail, get election reminders, pledge to register if you are <18, find the nearest polling place, and fill out your 2020 census form. Take today’s action a step further by sharing this link with friends and planning time into your schedule to vote in the closest upcoming election - city, state, or national. (Thanks to Pamela Duncan for this suggestion!)

Week 3

Watch - King in the Wilderness (Peter Kunhardt) Free on YouTube Available on HBO Go & Hulu subscription

Read - Pg. 80 - 119 in “White Fragility”

Listen - “The Limits of Empathy” CodeSwitch Podcast from NPR

Act - Google whether your city or town currently employs evidence-based police de-escalation training. Write to your city or town government representative and police chief and advocate for it. The racial make-up of your town doesn’t matter — This needs to be standard everywhere.

Week 4

Watch - King in the Wilderness (Peter Kunhardt) Free on YouTube Available on HBO Go & Hulu subscription

Read - Pg. 120-end in “White Fragility”

Week 5

Act - If you or a friend is an educator, buy said friend books that feature POC as protagonists and heroes, no matter the racial make-up of the class. A few good lists are here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. And/or purchase educational toys that feature POC, such as finger puppets, Black History Flashcards, etc for their classroom. Use these items year-round, not just in February.

All the links:


13th (Ava DuVerny)

Available with Netflix subscription

King in the Wilderness (Peter Kunhardt)

Available with HBO Go & Hulu Subscription


“White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism” by Robin DiAngelo

Apple Bookstore $13 download for text, $15 download for audiobook

Mid-Continent Public Library Ebook & Audiobook Link **these are all on hold right now**


A Decade of Watching Black People Die CodeSwitch Podcast from NPR

“The Limits of Empathy” CodeSwitch Podcast from NPR ~ 36 min


Help reallocate city budgets by defunding the police. The following link leads to which generates an email template pre-populated with elected officials emails. Simply fill in some of your information and the body of the message (advocating for defunding the police in that city) is automatically filled in for you. Automatic Email Template Link

Register to vote! If you are serious about real change, your individual vote does matter. Use this link to register to vote, check your registration, vote by mail, get election reminders, pledge to register if you are <18, find the nearest polling place, and fill out your 2020 census form. Take today’s action a step further by sharing this link with friends and planning time into your schedule to vote in the closest upcoming election - city, state, or national. (Thanks to Pamela Duncan for this suggestion!)

Google whether your city or town currently employs evidence-based police de-escalation training. The racial make-up of your town doesn’t matter — This needs to be standard everywhere. Write to your city or town government representative and police chief and advocate for it. Multiply your voice by soliciting others to advocate as well, writing on social media about it, writing op-eds, etc.

If you or a friend is an educator, buy said friend books that feature POC as protagonists and heroes, no matter the racial make-up of the class. A few good lists are here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. And/or purchase educational toys that feature POC, such as finger puppets, Black History Flashcards, etc for their classroom. Use these items year-round, not just in February. The racial make-up of students doesn’t matter — kids of every race need to know American history and be exposed to people from different races, religions, and countries. If the friend is interested, buy them for your pal’s classroom. Don’t be shy to ask Facebook friends that you haven’t actually talked to in ten years.

45 Minutes/Day

Over the course of the month, you will have spent 22.5 hours intentionally learning how to be an active ally of the black community. (That’s less than the amount of time it takes to watch all of Avatar: The Last Airbender ~ 30 hours.) Remember, the black community lives the reality of the information you will learn- they have a lifetime of fearing for their well being versus you being uncomfortable for less than a day. All the action items listed in the calendar have linked information below the weekly schedule (see sections Watch, Read, Listen, and Act).


On the 1st - Read pg. 3-14 in “How to be an Antiracist”

On the 2nd - Read pg. 15-26 in “How to be an Antiracist”

On the 3rd - Read pg. 27-38 in “How to be an Antiracist”

On the 4th - Read pg. 39- 50 in “How to be an Antiracist”

On the 5th - Read pg. 51-62 in “How to be an Antiracist”

On the 6th & 7th - Combine daily time to watch 13th documentary AND help reallocate city budgets by defunding the police Automatic Email Template Link

On the 8th - Read pg. 63-74 in “How to be an Antiracist”

On the 9th - Read pg. 75-86 in “How to be an Antiracist”

On the 10th - Read pg. 87-98 in “How to be an Antiracist”

On the 11th - Read pg. 99-110 in “How to be an Antiracist”

On the 12th - Read pg. 111-122 in “How to be an Antiracist”

On the 13th & 14th - Combine daily time to watch King in the Wilderness AND Register to vote! If you are serious about real change, your individual vote does matter. Use this link to register to vote, check your registration, vote by mail, get election reminders, etc.

On the 15th - Read pg. 123- 134 in “How to be an Antiracist”

On the 16th - Read pg. 135-146 in “How to be an Antiracist”

On the 17th - Read pg. 147-158 in “How to be an Antiracist”

On the 18th - Read pg. 159-170 in “How to be an Antiracist” On the 19th - Read pg. 171-182 in “How to be an Antiracist” On the 20th & 21st - Combine daily time to watch I Am Not Your Negro AND write/call local gov rep & police chief advocating for police de-esclation training. The racial make-up of your town doesn’t matter — This needs to be standard everywhere.

On the 22nd - Read pg. 183- 194 in “How to be an Antiracist” On the 23rd - Read pg. 195-206 in “How to be an Antiracist” On the 24th - Read pg. 207-218 in “How to be an Antiracist” On the 25th - Read pg. 219-230 in “How to be an Antiracist” On the 26th - Read pg. 231-238 (end) in “How to be an Antiracist” On the 27th & 28th - Combine daily time to watch Just Mercy AND Donate to anti-white supremacy work (see below links)29th Listen to podcast: Episode 1: The Fight for a True Democracy - 1619 | Podcast On the 30th - Buy books, materials, supplies for educator friends featuring POC (see below links)


Week 1

Watch - 13th (Ava DuVerny) 13th Documentary (Full Length) YouTube Available with Netflix subscription

Read - Pg. 3 - 62 in “How to be an Antiracist”

Act - Help reallocate city budgets by defunding the police. The following link leads to which generates an email template pre-populated with elected officials emails. Simply fill in some of your information and the body of the message (advocating for defunding the police in that city) is automatically filled in for you. Automatic Email Template Link

Week 2

Watch - King in the Wilderness (Peter Kunhardt) Free on YouTube Available on HBO Go & Hulu with subscription

Read - Pg. 63 - 122 in “How to be an Antiracist”

Listen - Side Effects of Communication 1 hr 1 min

Act - Register to vote! If you are serious about real change, your individual vote does matter. Use this link to register to vote, check your registration, vote by mail, get election reminders, pledge to register if you are <18, find the nearest polling place, and fill out your 2020 census form. Take today’s action a step further by sharing this link with friends and planning time into your schedule to vote in the closest upcoming election - city, state, or national. (Thanks to Pamela Duncan for this suggestion!)

Week 3

Watch - I Am Not Your Negro (Raoul Peck) Kanopy Link - Free with Amazon Prime Link

Read - Pg. 123 - 182 in “How to be an Antiracist”

Act - Google whether your city or town currently employs evidence-based police de-escalation training. Write to your city or town government representative and police chief and advocate for it. The racial make-up of your town doesn’t matter — This needs to be standard everywhere.

Week 4

Watch - Just Mercy (Destin Daniel Cretton) Just Mercy Free Amazon Link

Read - Pg. 183 - end in “How to be an Antiracist”

Week 5

Act - If you or a friend is an educator, buy said friend books that feature POC as protagonists and heroes, no matter the racial make-up of the class. A few good lists are here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. And/or purchase educational toys that feature POC, such as finger puppets, Black History Flashcards, etc for their classroom. Use these items year-round, not just in February.

All the links:


13th (Ava DuVerny)

Available with Netflix subscription

King in the Wilderness (Peter Kunhardt)

Available on HBO Go with subscription

Available on Hulu with subscription

I Am Not Your Negro (Raoul Peck)

Just Mercy (Destin Daniel Cretton)


“How to Be An Antiracist” by Ibram X. Kendi

Apple Bookstore $15 download for text and audiobook


**This will exceed 45 minutes, but still good content. Maybe choose to listen to this instead of the radio or Spotify on some days.


Help reallocate city budgets by defunding the police. The following link leads to which generates an email template pre-populated with elected officials emails. Simply fill in some of your information and the body of the message (advocating for defunding the police in that city) is automatically filled in for you. Automatic Email Template Link

Register to vote! If you are serious about real change, your individual vote does matter. Use this link to register to vote, check your registration, vote by mail, get election reminders, pledge to register if you are <18, find the nearest polling place, and fill out your 2020 census form. Take today’s action a step further by sharing this link with friends and planning time into your schedule to vote in the closest upcoming election - city, state, or national. (Thanks to Pamela Duncan for this suggestion!)

Google whether your city or town currently employs evidence-based police de-escalation training. The racial make-up of your town doesn’t matter — This needs to be standard everywhere. Write to your city or town government representative and police chief and advocate for it. Multiply your voice by soliciting others to advocate as well, writing on social media about it, writing op-eds, etc.

If you or a friend is an educator, buy said friend books that feature POC as protagonists and heroes, no matter the racial make-up of the class. A few good lists are here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. And/or purchase educational toys that feature POC, such as finger puppets, Black History Flashcards, etc for their classroom. Use these items year-round, not just in February. The racial make-up of students doesn’t matter — kids of every race need to know American history and be exposed to people from different races, religions, and countries. If the friend is interested, buy them for your pal’s classroom. Don’t be shy to ask Facebook friends that you haven’t actually talked to in ten years.



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