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CORe Appoints Shazia Ginai as Board Chair

Writer's picture: CORe Team CORe Team

Colour of Research is pleased to announce the appointment of Shazia Ginai, CEO of Neuro Insight, as Chair of its board of directors. Ginai is a recognized leader with the ability to inspire and lead diverse groups of individuals and teams. Her experience spans over 17 years working in research, she is a member of the MRS D&I Council, WIRe Accelerate programme Co-founder and Exec, volunteer for Endometriosis UK and has been a notable thought leader in the D&I space for years.

Shazia Ginai

“The mission that CORe set out with a couple of years ago definitely struck a chord with me, so when I was asked to take on the role of Chair I jumped at the chance. The research industry still has a long way to go when it comes to racial equality. As a female south Asian CEO, I have felt like an outlier amongst my peer group since taking on this level of leadership.

It’s time to change the way people of colour are represented in our industry. It’s time to make space to bring in and hear diverse voices, and to hold space for those who have been under-represented for so long.

The team at CORe are overflowing with passion and have a mammoth vision, I hope I am able to do this justice. I am looking forward to watching the progress unfold and am grateful for this opportunity to drive meaningful and necessary change”.

Theo Francis, Founder and Director of GuineaPig & Co-founder and Director of CORe, stated

“With an ever-expanding vision as big and important as ours, it can be hard to see the wood

for the trees, so bringing Shazia on board was a no brainer. She’s a shrewd, strategic, and driven powerhouse with the ability to see the big picture whilst keeping on top of the finer details. Her track record of delivering results speaks for itself. She was banging the drum for equality, equity, and representation long before CORe was even an idea and to top it all off, she's a pleasure to be around.

We’re thrilled to have her with us and helping to shape our success in the coming years.”


1 comentário

Jonh Sins
16 de ago. de 2024

Як на мене, то будь-який день потрібно починати правильно, у кожного буде своє поняття слова правильно, але для мене - це коли ти робиш собі каву, насолоджуєшься ранком, та читаєш новини. Саме новини складають основу мого ранку, бо саме завдяки ним, я дізнаюся всю необхідну мені інформацію про те, що сталося за минулі години, як у країні, так і у світі. Добре, що новинний портал надає мені все необхідне для того, щоб я постійно мав змогу знаходитися в інформаційному просторі. Завдяки їх роботі, я почав більше слідкувати за проектом криптошкола, котра розповідає про останні події у світі крипти, а також надає неаби які важливі знання. Також, хочеться додати, що саме завдяки їх діяльності, я почав більше приділяти уваги новинам…

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